Learn God's Word

S.W.A.P Bible Study Method: Quiet Time Tools

Posted by Lydia

Learn about a simple Bible study method that will help you dig deeper into God’s Word.

I have a confession…I’m not very consistent with my quiet time.  That may be shocking, since I write a blog about learning and living God’s Word, but it’s hard for me to make spending time in the Bible a habit.  I have the usual excuse of the busyness and craziness of life, but that’s not the only reason I struggle.  The truth is, sitting down with the Bible can be intimidating.  It’s a big book, and it can be hard to know where to start.  But I’ve found several things that help me be more consistent. 

Have a plan.

It’s helpful to have a plan so that you know when you sit down what you’ll be reading that day.  There are many good devotions or Bible reading plans to choose from.  Here are some that I like:

Joy by Lydia Brownback

The Quiet Place by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

30-Day Challenges from Revive Our Hearts

Write it down.

I find that I retain more of what I learn when I write it down.  You can keep it simple by just jotting down a few thoughts about the passage.  Or you can get elaborate with beautiful Scripture journaling. Journaling also allows you to look back over time and see how God has been working in your life.  You can download some free journaling pages here.

Dig deeper.

I really enjoy my quiet times when I take the time to get beneath the surface of the passage that I’m reading.  That’s why I developed the S.W.A.P Bible study method.  By following a few simple steps, I’m able to learn more about who God is and what He expects from me.  I’m able to take what I’ve learned and apply it to my life, with the help of the Holy Spirit.  I’m able to swap my old, worldly way of thinking for a new, godly way of thinking (Romans 12:2).  Here are the steps I follow:

1. Study the passage: 

Think about what the verses are saying.  Pay attention to the words used, the grammar and punctuation, and the context of the surrounding verses. 

Think about what the verses mean.  What do they tell you about God or about how He wants you to live?  What underlying principle can you learn from the passage?

Think about any questions that you have about the passage that you’d like to investigate.  Look up any related verses that come to mind.  Write down whatever thoughts the passage evokes—if it convicts you or   challenges you in a certain area, if it makes you think of other verses, etc.

2. Write the passage:

Copy the passage, or at least the key verse or verses, word-for-word from your favorite translation.  If you’ve never tried Scripture writing, you can read about the benefits here:

Scripture Writing 101

3. Apply the passage: 

What do you need to change in your life as a result of this passage?  What is the Holy Spirit convicting you of?  Come up with a few practical action steps that you can take to actually make those changes in your life.  It may help to focus on one change at a time.

4. Pray the passage

Think of a few specific things that you’d like to pray about related to the passage.  I find it helpful to write down my prayers.  If you’d like more resources to help you with your prayer life, please check out this Prayer and Praise Journal.

You can download this FREE BIBLE STUDY JOURNAL to help you use the S.W.A.P Bible study method in your daily quiet times!

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